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Let's Explore the Moon

A night sky with stars.A green field with trees and grass.The glowing full moon.A campfire with a small flame burning over arranged logsAlien cat curled up in a blanket.Illustration of an alien wrapped in a blanket.
Oh! Hi there!
I’d like you to meet Earth’s BFF:
The moon!
A cheerful cartoon Earth and Moon depicted as friends holding hands, and smiling
OK. First, let’s get our names straight.
A chalkboard with a drawing of the moon on it.A friendly green alien with glasses, holding a book and pointing with a stick at a chalkboardA cute alien cat.
Long ago, you humans didn’t know there were other moons.
A cartoon illustration depicts a woman dressed in a flowing white and blue tunic, reminiscent of ancient Greek attireA soldier, clad in armor and helmet, holds a spear and shield.A giant full moon in the background.
So you just called your moon...
"The moon."
(Or Luna if you speak Latin.)
A cartoon of the full moon with a cat face, playfully sticking its tongue out.A happy green alien with a laurel wreath, wearing a Roman toga.A whimsical purple alien cat with antennae and a blue and white scarf.A pedestal with a scroll that says "Luna."
In 1610, super scientist Galileo Galilei discovered four moons orbiting
The planet Jupiter with a cartoony smile and rosy cheeks and 4 moons revolving around it.A speech bubble that says "There's more where that came from."A cartoon illustration of Galileo Galilei, looking through a telescope. He has a white beard and is wearing a dark vest.
Humans realized the solar system actually had loads of moons!
A detailed illustration of a night sky filled with stars. Several moons of varying sizes and colors are scattered across.A smily green alien watching up to the night sky with his arms outstretched.The alien cat watching up to the night sky.
But your moon was already used to her name. So you kept it!
A dog house with a sign that says moon.A green field foreground with a bowl of food placed on the left.A stylized illustration of the moon depicted as a playful dog with spots, a collar, and a tag.
Earth and the moon have been together a long time.
A polaroid photograph of Earth and the Moon in space. Both celestial bodies are depicted with smiling faces.
About 4.5 billion years ago, a planet
into Earth.
A framed illustration of a celestial event, featuring the moon with a fiery tail accelerating towards the planet Earth.
The collision blasted tons of rock and dust into Earth’s
A vintage artwork depicting Earth amidst a shower of celestial debris.
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.
A speech bubble reading "An orbit is the path one object takes around another object."
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
pulled all this crud together into a sphere shape.
An artwork depicting a conglomeration of matter, likely debris or dust, held together by gravitational forces.
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.
A speech bubble reading "Gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects toward one another."
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
The moon was born!
A framed illustration of a crescent moon with a cheerful face.
The baby moon had tons of active volcanoes flooding its surface with lava.
An illustration of a moon with a cat-like face, experiencing multiple volcanic eruptions.
Today, the moon is quiet.
A cartoonic image of the moon with a playful face, and a tongue sticking out.The green alien sitting on the a grey couch.The purple alien cat relaxing on a yellow couch.
It has very little
An illustration of the playful moon with its tongue sticking out.The alien and alien cat riding a hot air balloon.
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.
A blue speech bubble that reads "Atmosphere is the layer of gas that surround a planet or moon"
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
But your moon does have lots of
A cartoonic depiction of dust.
An image of a craters on a planet.
The alien climbing the mountain.
Your moon is always on the move.
The whimsical moon riding the skateboard.
It spins around on its
An illustration of the moon personified as a dancer, gracefully twirling in a pink tutu.
A speech bubble that says "A Yellow Dwarf is a medium-sized star about the same size as Earth's sun.
A blue speech bubble that reads "An axis is an invisible line that an object retates around."
A cute green alien in a class teacher outfit.
From Earth, it looks like the moon orbits every
29 days.
That’s because the Earth is spinning too!
The cartoon character of the earth as a dancer, twirling in a black dress.
The alien in a tuxedo and top hat holding golden opera binoculars.The alien cat wearing a top hat holding golden opera binoculars.
The moon looks different at different times in its orbit.
A scene where an alien and alien cat astronomers with a telescope are observing a ring of playful and anthropomorphic moons.
These changing appearances are known as
Sometimes, the moon’s orbit takes it right between the Sun and Earth.
The anthropomorphic sun.The anthropomorphic moon.The anthropomorphic earth.
The moon blocks the sunlight, casting a shadow on Earth.
A cartoon depiction of a solar eclipse. The Sun is shown as a large yellow circle with a sad face. The Moon is positioned in front of the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth.
It's a
solar eclipse!
A giant black moon blocking out the Sun during a total solar eclipse.
The happy green alien wearing protective glasses to safely view a solar eclipse.The alien cat wearing protective glasses to safely view a solar eclipse.
Sometimes, Earth passes between the sun and the moon.
The anthropomorphic sun.A confused anthropomorphic moon.The anthropomorphic moon.
Earth casts a shadow on the moon.
An artistic depiction of a lunar eclipse with a comical twist, featuring a frustrated-looking Sun, a cheerful Earth, and a shy Moon partially hidden in the shadow created by the Earth.
It's a
Lunar eclipse!
An illustration of a lunar eclipse showing the Moon partially covered in shadow.
The happy green alien.A cute little alien cat.
The moon is  the most recognizable object in the night sky.
A whimsical illustration of a smiling moon with cat ears and a playful tongue sticking out. The moon is surrounded by stars and fluffy clouds against a dark blue sky.
But it’s much more than a friendly face in your bedroom window.
A cartoonic scene of an alien child in pajamas standing next to a bed. The bed has a moon-themed pattern and a sleeping alien cat. The window shows a smiling moon in the night sky.
Earth’s gravity keeps the moon in orbit.
A green alien wearing a cowboy hat.A purple alien cat wearing a cowboy hat.
A cartoon illustration showing Earth as a smiling person wearing a cowboy hat and boots, holding the moon on a rope.
But the moon’s gravity tugs on Earth too.
A cartoon illustration showing the moon tugging on Earth with a string, demonstrating how the moon's gravity affects Earth.
This helps keep your planet from
A cartoon illustration of Earth with a worried expression.
The moon gives you stable
A rainy landscape scene with a pond, tall grass, and mountains in the background.The green alien wearing the raincoat.An alien cat with an umbrella.
The alien and alien cat wearing sunglasses and enjoying a sunny day at the beach. There's a palm tree and a full flowing sun in the background.
An illustration of an alien and alien cat enjoying a fall day. They are walking on a path lined with colorful trees, surrounded by falling leaves and a cozy house in the distance.
An alien and their alien cat companion enjoy a snowy day, wearing warm clothes and standing on a frozen pond.
It also creates
ocean tides.
An aquatic illustration showing a crab perched on rocks, surrounded by coral, sea stars, and clear turquoise water.The alien and the alien cat enjoying the water ride sitting over a turtle.A cute purple octopus partially emerged from the water.
Yep, Earth and the moon go way back.
The happy green alien.The adorable green alien cat.
A fun and colorful image of Earth and the Moon personified as friends, with hats and smiling faces, surrounded by bright patterns and the words "Earth & the Moon in B.F.F.S."
They’re two peas in a pod.
The cartoon Earth and the moon smiling at each other inside a pea pod.
A green alien wearing a cap and vest performs on a comedy stage, holding a microphone, with a speech bubble saying, "You might even say these two are made FROM each other." A purple alien cat sits nearby, and the audience is enjoying the show.
But there’s so much more of the solar system to see.
The cute green alien with a blue backpack ready to explore the rest of the solar system.The adorable purple alien cat with a red backpack following the green alien.
Let's keep
A cartoon alien with its pet alien cat sit in the control hub of a spaceship
The number 3
The number 2
The number 1
The words "Blast Off"
A playful photograph of Neptune smiling.Imaginative description of Mars as a happy planet.A playful photograph of Mercury laughing.A cheerful picture of Jupiter.A picture of a solar system with the giant sun cuddling all the 8 planets.A cheerful photograph of Venus smiling.A smiling cartoon Uranus.A playful photograph of Saturn smiling.A photograph of a giant smiling sun in a galaxy with scattered stars in the background.
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